Welcome to the first post on our very own Blog ‘Coach Ana Powerhouse NOT on mute’, the first of many to come! I'll kick start by sharing a personal story, one of 'chasing rabbits', in 4 acts.

And just before I do that, what is ‘NOT on mute’ all about? It's the 'place' where we will be able to connect virtually, where I will be entering your daily life in a very smooth and light way, but absolutely NOT on mute! Full of useful ideas, tips & hacks, teasers and, why not, the odd joke, reminding your busy self to (take) care, take it easy and that I am here to help, with my 'Coaching' hat. I will of course make loads of questions and will be super happy to see all your comments. Subscribe to my “weekly energy shots” and get a nice curated summary just for the busy bees out there who like to have their insights just like their coffees and teas, on the go.
Chasing rabbits. Do you ever?
I want to make this post a short but warm one, just a kind of an intro greeting. It’s a story of change, and like many others happens in 4 acts.

Act 1. The reflexion, the realisation,
I found myself out of the cozy comfortable box I have been on. I am here now after deciding to chase a “little funny cute rabbit” that seems to come from my childhood, once in a while he would sneak out of the woods and speedily sneak back again, leaving me wondering.
Around a year ago, pandemic on the retreat but leaving behind many big questions unanswered, I was restless, I feeling I was acquainted with, to be honest. Some of those questions needed answers. Not surprisingly answers were sometimes other questions. Some were challenges.
Act 2. The Dare, the Leap
So I had a gush of courage (or maybe extra curiosity?) and started to follow that rabbit, straight into the woods. Metaphoric language aside I finally decided to chase an old dream, said yes to the 'dare' and found myself here, writing this blog and formally starting 'Coach Ana Powerhouse', totally out of my comfort zone, out of my standard frame of reference (sorry, old jargons, once a corporate always a corporate), but loving it! Every single moment.

Act 3. The butterflies in the belly
This is for me a big change, in my life I had a few so far. The roller coaster feeling never disappoints. Now, every time I sit with a “journey partner”, a client, I feel I am resetting, each person so unique and each life story a world on its own. Every and each one of these interactions I add to my ‘connection’ network, the most natural way to exist as humans. It completes me.
Act 4. The job, the joy
I can say that I am starting this adventure for YOU (which is also true) but first and foremost is for ME. I get a true kick out of listening, interacting, helping with whatever resource and tool I have at hand, may it be intuition, methodology, technology, experience, mine, yours, others. It gives me great genuine joy. Finally I believe in my dream, that it can actually bring value. To be of service always brings value.
I’m sailing in uncharted waters, and it feels just right. Come along and join a journey with me .
And because this in ‘NOT on mute’, I leave a question for you: Do you have your own 'little rabbit' jumping out of the woods? Looking forward to read some of those answers or maybe any other ideas that pop out of your brain while you think about it, comment box is ready for you below.
